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About Us

Our Purpose

At 3D-Brain, our team of dedicated trainers helps individuals of all ages to make the most of their unique abilities and potential. Each training program is developed to suit the needs of the individual.

The brain is part of the central nervous system (CNS) and is the most complex dynamical structure known within the universe.  It has 100 billion neurons with each connected to 30 000 other neurons. This highly dynamic organ receives information about functioning of the body and the external environment. It simultaneously coordinates all parts and systems of the body while enabling cognitive functions such as, memory, emotional processing, language, creativity and executive functioning – among many others. The brain is able to process massive amounts of information, develop responses and learn from it for increasing efficiency and mastery.

The programs we offer are to support the above mentioned functions of the brain. After an assessment and personal interview we design a specific program according to the needs of the individual.

Please read more on the science based programs and methods of training we offer on our Programs page.

Our Team

With many years of experience working with learners at all levels of education, we are dedicated to helping individuals of all ages experience their best life. Athletes, musicians, students, seniors, those experiencing memory loss, ADHD, anxiety, depression or recovering from brain injury have benefitted from NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback and other complimentary modalities.

We absolutely love what we do and want you to be excited about your life too!

Our Location

To discuss your individual needs or for more information regarding our programs please contact us.

Address: Sage Naturopathic Clinic | 1601 River Rd., Suite 101, Kitchener, Ontario, N2G 4S4
Phone: 519.745.1600

Enhance your brain
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Success Stories

The most fascinating thing about coming to your Centre was watching my son’s progress. Learning how our bodily “functions” are all connected and how the connections need to be in place before new skills can be learned is very interesting. Many small feats lead to bigger ones. It all takes time and practice.

Wendy, 4 year old son

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